Artistic Activity

Choreographies, stage adaptations, music and dance portraits

Among the early choreographies from the 1980s are “Birthday” (music by Kiril Vladov) and Haydeh-deh-breh-deh” (music arrangement by Plamen Borisov), both for children. The latter, known as the dance with a donkey, flew over the ocean. Today is part of the repertoire of the children’s folk dance group Medena Pitka at the Bulgarian Cultural and Heritage Center of Seattle. Similarly, the  character dance, The Gorgeous,” also choreographed in the 1980s (music by Kiril Vladov), became part of the repertoire of the International Folk Dance Ensemble of Brigham Young University, along with the Danubian Suite, precisely choreographed for BYU Ensemble (music by Kiril Vladov, recorded by musicians from the Philip Koutev’s National Folk Ensemble).

In her work with amateur groups in North America, Daniela prefers examples from the “classical” dance folklore. These traditional dance patterns are carefully arranged for the stage. Her most recent works relate to Medena Pitka and Seattle Cheta’s public appearances. Both Medena Pitka and Seattle Cheta are programs of the Bulgarian Cultural and Heritage Center of Seattle. (2013-).

Among the stage arrangements are:

  • Koledari Yambol’s Buenek and Koledari singing group (2013-); Koledari (singing group and buenek perform every year at the Christmas concert of the Bulgarian community. The last two concerts were virtual.
  • Zaigra se oro golemo  – a mutual program of Seattle Cheta and Medena Pitka presented during the NW Folklife Festival (2017)
  • Detski proletni igri [Children’s spring games and dances], and others.

The first “portrait” of music and dance folklore and costumes of North Bulgaria (2014-2015), enthusiastically presented by Seattle Cheta members and Vasil Denev (kaval/shepherd flute), was well received. The latter encouraged the process of collecting traditional costumes and parts of costumes from Bulgaria. After 2015 several portraits appear as a follow up to the strong motivation of group members, volunteer work of many, support by BCHCS, and creative teamwork. The vision behind these is to recreate the live experience of dancing together at the village square to live music.

Many musicians supported this idea and contributed their time and masterhood. Among the Bulgarians are Vasil Denev (primary, Seattle-based musician, supported locally by Anton Kirilov (tupan/drum), Petar Alexiev-Usmivkata (gayda/bagpipe), Angel Dobrev (gadulka/traditional Bulgarian bowed string instrument), and Konstantin Marinov (tupan/drum). In the past, Seattle Cheta also enjoyed dancing to the playing of Vasil Bebelekov (gayda), Ivan Varimezov (gayda), and others. Seattle Cheta also benefited by playing bands such as Dromeno, M9, and others.

Here are the portraits that appeared from team work of Daniela Nyberg and Vasil Denev:

  • Igri ot severna Bulgaria [Music and Dances from North Bulgaria]. Group’s members call it “Severnyashka kartina,” or North Bulgaria’s Portrait.
  • Hora i igri ot Pirinska Makedonia [Music and Dances from Pirin Macedonia], colloquially, “Makedonska kartina,” or Macedonia’s Portrait.
  • Hora i igri ot Shopluka [Music and Dances from Central West Bulgaria – Shop Region], colloquially, “Shopska kartina,” or Shopluk’s Portrait.
  • Hora i igri ot Trakia [Music and Dances from Thrace], colloquially, “Trakiiska kartina,” or Trakia’s Portrait.

An example of the latter choreography is  Seattle Cheta at Vereya Folk Fest 2019. More videos are available at Seattle Cheta’s Facebook page.

Work in progress:

  • Igri ot Srednogorieto – to be premiered  at Verea-Chicago Fest (April 30, 2022)
  • Igri of Severna Bulgaria (with Seattle Cheta Youth), to recorded music – to be premiered  at Verea-Chicago Fest (April 30, 2022)

Music recordings

The CDs recorded from 2003-to 2008 were envisioned to facilitate the dance teaching tours across the United States. They include various musicians and, eventually, Daniela’s singing. The last produced CD – Ya si te daruvam surtseto, dushata [I give you my heart, my soul] is an exception. It included only a few instrumental melodies – for the dances to be taught at Stockton Folk Dance Camp. The rest were popular party songs presented by Daniela Nyberg, Vlado Mollov, and other musicians. You can purchase this CD from

Concerts and spectacles

The Christmas concerts, organized by the Bulgarian Cultural and Heritage Center of Seattle, are the major event in the life of the Bulgarian community. The roles of the script’s writer, editor, artistic director, MC, choreographer, and performer are related to this event. The realized projects benefited from the significant input of the artist Maria Apostolova who served as the stage designer.

All groups led by Daniela: Koledari (singing group and Buenek), Medena Pitka, and Seattle Cheta, take part in these Christmas concerts, along with several other local groups and guests.

The stage activity includes taking the lead as an MC for other concerts and special events. It also includes appearances as a vocalist (such as participating in the “Sevdah” event organized by Seattle’s Bosnian community and other shows).

Music and poetry “dialogues”

These are poetry readings realized in partnership with various musicians (piano, guitar, violin, accordion, tarambuka, and more). All the rest on improvisations, of “dialoguing” between the poems (the narrator) and the musical instrument and musician.

Such “dialogues” were presented in Sofia, Seattle, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and San Diego. Here you can watch one such event. Sometimes, such events include singing. But also dance. Watch here.

More videos are available at Daniela’s YouTube channel.

Applied arts (Fibre arts)

In the 1980s, Daniela had the rare chance to collaborate with and learn from Radka and Magdalena Angelovi –  masters of traditional crafts and techniques. From these masters, she learned fibre techniques, including crocheting with untwisted wool. Daniela developed her skills by experimenting. In 1990, she presented a whole collection of hand-crocheted woolen sweaters and dresses (Winter Fashion Parade, The National Palace of Culture, Sofia, a juried exhibition). As a follow-up, her models were juried by officials from the Union of Bulgarian Artists and included in the artistic items for sale in the Union’s art shop gallery in Sofia.

Soon after settling in the state of Washington, Daniela joined the Art Trails Southwest Washington Art Organization. From 2010-to 2013, she took part in various art walks, art events, and exhibitions. Here she began incorporating other materials than wool in her models and creating tiles and other small objects.

Today the collected earlier experience (arts and ethnography) helps the restoration of old traditional costumes for Seattle Cheta. It also helps combine various costume parts to reach an outfit’s “ideal” prototype from a particular Bulgarian region.

See more in the gallery.

Passion for photography

Probably it stems from the impetus to grasp the moment. To “seal” it somehow. To share the beauty. Living near a lake and a mountain is especially contributive to such impulses. At the same time, the professional background of a researcher-folklorist and document-keeper fuels the passion for grasping all kinds of moments. So, the albums are of various sorts. Some are from places and travels. Others play with figures, forms and textures.

See more in the gallery.

Close your eyes and draw

Between the dream and the day. A beloved activity. Meditation. Therapy. Attuning for the day. A transition. And when I open my eyes, I look at it. Does it tell me something? If I, instead, want to say to her something, I do some touch-ups. As it comes.