
Bulgarian language to non-American adults

(currently on two levels: beginning and advance)

Private lessons, advanced level. The students are primarily Americans who have taken Daniela’s classes since 2015. People who express interest in joining this level should easily recognize the verbs’ conjugations and the verbs’ tenses and be able to speak and write freely.
Private lessons for beginners with some knowledge of Bulgarian. This current course of the year 2021-2022 may be joined by people of similar command of the language.

The classes are held weekly online (September to June), and the duration of a lesson is 75 min.

Sources and materials are available on this address, as well on GramBulgaria YouTube channel. You are welcome to join the Facebook group of GramBulgaria.

Bulgarian language to Bulgarian teenagers born in the United States

(Bulgarian grammar and more)

The first classes in the Bulgarian language (2011) were related to my works as a folklorist and pedagogue with the children from Bulgarche Cultural and Educational Program at Podkrepa Bulgarian-Macedonian Association, Portland, Oregon, USA. With my folklore classes, I began teaching Bulgarian to descendants of the Podkrepa’s founders (1939). Soon, other enthusiasts joined these weekly classes. In 2015, I offered such classes in Seattle, Washington, to help partners from mixed marriages.

Over the years, I modified my courses due to the different needs of my students:

  • Adopting Bulgarian children
  • General interest in Bulgarian language and culture
  • Desires of young Bulgarian who grew up in the States to learn Bulgarian
  • Studies in Bulgaria by American doctoral students and others

Teaching and courses in Bulgarian dance and folklore

Bulgarian dance to Bulgarian community

Working with children and adults as an artistic director at the Bulgarian Cultural and Heritage Center of Seattle.

Bulgarian dance to non-Bulgarian students at dance departments

Western Washington University and other.

Bulgarian dance to non-Bulgarian adults

Workshops and seminars.

Dance to non-Bulgarian children

In the past: FRUA Camp for adopted children from Eastern Europe, Art events (Centralia), Evergreen Ballet – Longview, and other.

You can find more in the YouTube channel Dance Teaching Supportive.
See also the photo gallery.

Gallery selected moments of folklor events

See more in the gallery.